Monday, September 17, 2007


is really time for me to save money if not i will not able to save up at least 200 dollars.
last sem result was the worst i got in my whole poly life. really have to buck up. i really should have choose a subject that i can easily score and not something that i like. i have to be real. Not to be in my dream world where i thing everything will happen like the way i like or happen. i should have just go for what i can get for the best.
After alumni band that day, Mrs Ong and Miss Mindy told me to continue in my study at U. But i told them that my result not good enough to get in. they say will help me by using CCA or something to get in NTU or NUS. Which i think i still will not get in. Even if i get in, what should i study? thinking of going NIE get another Dip first in music teaching with Dan. but is like i keep getting some many Dip and not a Degree.
I tell myself now that i will not think the way that i think i want it to be but the way how the world is now. hm. finish poly then say lor.
I suddenly starting be feel abit happy but get angry again because of my FUCKING BROTHER!!!!!!!!!!
He keep thinking that he is the best in the world and i always the worst because i am in teck whye sec before result not as good as him. thinking that he is better in everything compare to me. what the fuck is this. if is like this every time when he need help he will find me and ask me to help if i dun help get angry with me.
I AM NOT HIS SLAVE fucker. there is more things that i am better then you. so what you are smarter by a bit. but we are in both different competition area. if you are so good you also will not study in NA too.
ya i dumb can? everyone also think so can?

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