Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Finally everything yu guo tian qin le!!!! teck whye band concert is still on 23 Dec. i also happy for them and have to prepare it le.

Sorry for those who waiting for my update. i know i very long never update le. i have busy with a lot of things:

1. FYP!!!! i have hand in by 9 of jan. Luckily we are at the making of my sole le.

2. Teck Whye Band Concert coming le have to prepare the alumni for the pieces that the main band playing. i also have to practise this time got a lot of song to play. hmm. maybe have to conduct for that concert too. still dunno yet must wait for further notice.

3. Sp Band Concert also coming soon 6 of jan. the pieces to some maybe boring and not challenging but i find it very challenging as every pieces is a killer for euphoniums. must get all the high notes and have many hard parts to play. and need alot of time for sectional and bulid up section tone.

4. i need free time to relax and SHOPPING!!!!!!!

5. Have to work out all the parts for trombone and euphonium section in Teck Whye Band.

hope everything will be ending soon ( end in a good way). :)

to every of my friend. the weather these few days is not very good so pls drink more water and eat good food and stay health and not sick!!! :)

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