Wednesday, August 15, 2007


Today is so called the prelim audition or trial run of the practical test for taking music for O levels. Before i go into the practical side, i found that all of them FAIL their trial test for the theory side. HIGHEST among them was Chang Zuo who score 17 marks over 40....... LOWEST was i think 8.5 marks.( forgot who le) I was like thinking, hmm is that paper so hard? they show me the paper and..... is all careless mistake and the paper close eye also can do lor. I mean is not that easier but sure can pass one...

Like i say today is the practical side, everyone of them suddenly very scare. Cause scare fail the practical side. So i was there at the place but somehow i think the guest teacher that testing them thought i a student of the school.... -.- so i cannot seat down and listen to them. but everyone seems to screw up until when i heard fredrick play the first piece. hmm i surprise cause he is the one the practise the least i felt. but he sound not bad and firm. Somemore the second piece he play was the piece that i choose for Chang Zuo to play and he like side readed today only lor. But overall did well. hmm i still worry about andrew as he start to play the obeo only this year around after SYF so dunno he can make it anot. But he is hard working.

After their Audition, i went down to take the main band as MR Colin Ng was not able to come. have sections and run thru some pieces that they side readed and some of their concert pieces. They got that CLAP performance that is why they playing back all this songs. In the end i was abit bored and ask them to take out their 7 night of july score to sight read and it was horrible but at least some parts they do can sight read fast.

After band when dinner with Jermain and Alex chit chatted and went home.

DIE LE!!!!

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