Friday, August 17, 2007

O level music audition

Wake up in the morning as usually, use the comp and stone. Then i meet Darryl around 1 pm and cck MRT station to go jurong point to collect my jeans that i bought on Sunday. When i have to collect it on Monday. LOL!!!! LAZY ME!!!! We walk around there and have lunch there too. In the end after we walk around thinking of what we should eat, we when to crystal jade to eat la mian. Very long never eat there le. The food there still taste as good even with the new looks.

We head down to teck whye after lunch. In the end, Mr Ng last min cannot make it for the practice today again. Cause today i thought i can play the tenor sax for this practise since i playing woodwinds recently. But in the end Kai ting ask me to take the full band and work thru some detail on castle in the sky. While working the detail with them i just found out that i miss out so much detail when the alumni band play for concert. hai so sorry to that song. I got so bored or say angry with the piece cause no one sectional that play properly. So i decided to sight read again, their other song jogging samba. IT WAS WORST!!!! they did not even read thru this piece when they have to perform this song for that workshop with some Japanese guy.

Luckily, the band practise was about to end soon, so i end it and went to find the guys who are going for the O level music audition tomorrow. I heard that practical Fredrick did the best and Andrew did the worst. Cannot blame him le cause he just learn the oboe. then theory side, Chang Zuo Scored the highest and Jonathan scored the lowest. hai
but also only Chang Zuo PASS, :(

So i went to teck whye mac to tutor them and teach them what they not sure, cause i also must write out Andrew's piece for the practical side in a nice manner. So after some tutoring i decided to give them one more test and every pass around 70 but Fredrick only 50 plus...

I am so worry for them. Hope that all the 5 of them can pass the audition and able to take music as an O level subject. Fredrick please do well in your theory and Andrew try your best to play well. Chang Zuo concentrate more, focus in what you want now, Jonathan dun scare, and lastly Alex DUN TONGUE SO HARD!!!!!! This what i ask for only. :)

What a tired day!!!!
I need to study abit to on my exams (next week first paper start le)
ALL THE BEST TO THE FIVE GUYS. (they have been mention above)

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