Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Wei Ren ask me to update blog

Just came back home form shun hai's house. went there study for tml PED paper. which is the paper that i will fail if i dun do well for tomorrow. then wei ren on msn ask me why i have update blog, then i ask why? he say very interesting mah. =.= FINE!!! ok so i update now lor.

today study until head going to explode!!! manage to finish 1 past year paper and read up some theory stuff. tommorrow before go sch have to study more in the morning.

i just found out now that i have to shave everyday if not some of the beard will start growing the next day. oh my god!!! WHY!!!!!! i got not enough time for me to do my things le leh...

thanks Darryl and jing for the words.... ontag board!!!

sian...hope tml i can do the paper

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