Thursday, October 4, 2007


today i make myself to wake up at 830 to meet chang zuo at 9 to go swimming!!! hahaha finally i start to do some work out. hehe swim for like half an hour non stop. feeling very tired. then went sch for practical at 1pm to 4pm. then when back home. fredrick and chang zuo after came my house just to eat and play o2jam. -.-

hmm. thinking for many nights. what song can the alumni play. but i heard that maybe there are changes. i dunno sia. hmm but i think we comfirm march beyond the critical point, la storia and sherk dance party. this should be good enough. hope so.

Eupho brandon having his 21st birthday party, sp eupho section pple, if you see this msg in my blog, pls let me know whether you all can go. starts around 630 and is on the 20 oct.

what wei ren say maybe is rite. make yourselves very busy with work and tired. no time to do other thigns or even think about things. and slowly, emo monster will go away..... trying and still not the rite track.

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