Monday, August 13, 2007

My Very first Post

Yes, i finally have a blog!!!! this is because i always got nothing to do when i got a chance to use the comp. ( cause my brother always want to fight with me to use the comp). Everytime i have a chance to use the comp, is either stare at it or play dota, sometime chat abit then no more le.

Now got a blog there is something i can do whenever i got nothing to do when i using the comp. I know it sounded stupid. But Nevermind. The best thing is i thought making a blog is so "easy". all the blogs i see all so nice and colourful and so many things to play with. But then when i try doing, is like so hard to do. It is worst then studying for my test!!!! But i think this is what i can do now for this blog of mine.

Oh ya!!! I also must promote the Teck Whye Alumni Band blog. Thw webby is Teck Whye alumni band members pls go there and check out for the latest news about what we going to do during alumni practice. All thanks to DARRYL KOK YI HOW for creating this blog for us. I hope that is alumni band will stay and become stronger and as good as other alumni bands out there.

Lastly, i wanna thanks all the alumni and main band members for your time for the fiesta 2007 concert. I know is so so so late to thanks now. ( i know is over for like a few weeks) but still have to thanks. If not the concert will not go well too. Ya those who want the video for fiesta pls get from me too. I like talking Crap all the way.......-.- but is my first time mah.

OK la. i shall stop now and try to have a better post the next try.


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